Monday, 2 August 2010

Python and Neo4J - Could this be the Funky Data Model?

For many years now, I've been chasing the funky data model, a database where you can change your mind about the structure of the data on the fly, without losing all chance of ever getting the data out again. Neo4J promises that way of working.

So, before I get all fancy, I'm trying to make a painfully simple python crawler that will go to a URL, find a few pages linked from that URL, add them to the database and then create relationships between the pages based on their links. Simple. Ahem.

This code doesn't quite work at the moment... but it's almost there.... 

import neo4j #See
import urllib2, traceback, re, urlparse, socket, sys

socket.setdefaulttimeout(4) #seconds

'''This is my attempt to begin to make proper classes and functions to talk to the neo4j database, it's not meant to be fancy'''

def setup():
        ########  DO SOME SETUP STUFF ############
        db = neo4j.GraphDatabase("crawler_example_db")
        with db.transaction:
                #How do we delete an index... which might have old nodes in? This doesn't work...any ideas... how do I empty an index, should I? Does deleting a node delete its refererence from the index
                        for ref in db.index('pages'):
                except Exception, err:
                        print err
                pages = db.index("pages", create=True) # create an index called 'pages'
                print "Index created"
        return db, pages

#############     UTILITY FUNCTIONS         #############

def get_links( data, url=''):
        'I know I should use BeautifulSoup or lxml'
        links = [ ]
                found_links = re.findall(' href="?([^\s^"\'#]+)', data)
                for link in found_links:
                        #print link
                        link = urlparse.urljoin(url, link)
                        link = link.replace("/..", "") #fix relative links
                        link = link.replace("'", "")
                        if link not in links and link[:7] == 'http://' :#avoid mailtos
                                links.append( link )
        except Exception, err:
                print err
        return links
def wget(url):
                handle = urllib2.urlopen(url)
                if 'text/html' in handle.headers['content-type']:
                        data = unicode(,  errors='ignore')
                        return data
        except Exception, e:
                print "Error wgetting", e, url
                #print traceback.print_exc()
        return None

def delete_all_pages():
        with db.transaction:
                        for node in db.node:
                                id  =
                                node.delete( )
                                print id, "deleted"
                except Exception, err:
                        print err
                        pass # fails on last iteration?
        print "All pages deleted!"

def create_page(db, pages, url, code=200 , follow=True):
        '''this creates a page node then adds it to the "pages" index, if it's there already it'll get it'''
        # Get the actual page data from the web...
        data = wget( url ) #get the actual html
        if not data:
                return None
                data_len = len(data)
                page_node = pages[url] # does this page exist yet?
                if not page_node:
                        page_node = db.node(url=url, code=code, data=data, data_len=data_len) # create a page
                        pages[ url ] = page_node # Add to index
                        print "Created:" , url
                        print "Exists already:" , url
                #Now create a page for every link in the page
                if follow == True:
                        print "\tfollowing links"
                        i = 0
                        links = get_links(data, url)
                        print len( links ) , "found"
                        if len(links) > 20:
                                links = links[:19]
                        for link in links:
                                print "\tcreating:",  link
                                create_page(db, pages, link, follow=False)
                return page_node

def get_one(url):
        'given a url with return a node obj'
        with db.transaction:
                        node = pages [ url ]
                        if node == None:
                                print "Node is none!"
                        return node
                except Exception, err:
                        print err
        return None

def list_all_pages(db):
         # Just iterate through the pages to make sure the data in in there...
         print "Listing all pages..."
        with db.transaction:        
                for node in db.node:
                                print node
                                #print node['data'][:150], "..."
                        except Exception, err:
                                print err
        print "...done listing!"

def delete_one( url ):
        with db.transaction:
                        node = pages[ url ]
                        if node:
                                print "Node with id=",, "deleted"
                except Exception, err:
                        print "Node probably not found:", err
                        print dir(node) # let's have a look

def find_links_between_pages(db):
 #'Just iterate through the pages to make sure the data in in there...'
        with db.transaction:
                        print "Linking all pages..."
                        for node in db.node:
                                        print str(node), node['url'], node['data_len']
                                        links = get_links( node['data'], node['url'])
                                        for link in links:
                                                        #look to see if a node with that url exists
                                                        other_node = get_one( link )
                                                        if not other_node:
                                                                other_node.links_to( node )
                                                except Exception, err:
                                                        print err
                                except Exception, err:
                                        print err
                except Exception, err:
                        pass # fails on last iteration?
                        print err

if __name__ == '__main__':

        #### LET'S GET STARTED ######
        db, pages = setup( ) # I can't connect on load, because then I can't reload(this_module) because it is already connected
                url = sys.argv[1]
                print "No url passed, using ''"
                url = ''
        print "Starting:", url
        ######## DELETE ALL THE PAGES WE HAVE SO FAR ############
        # Avoiding this because of ...
        #jpype._jexception.RuntimeExceptionPyRaisable: org.neo4j.graphdb.NotFoundException: Node[0] 
        #... errors later...
        #print "Deleting existing pages..."
        #delete_all_pages( ) #we may want to add new data to each page... forget this for now
        ########        ADD SOME ACTUAL PAGES        #################
        #print "Creating some pages "
        with db.transaction:
                create_page( db, pages, url, 200 ) #Also fetches some pages linked from this page
        ########    NOW GET SOME NODES OUT     ###############        
        print "Has our data made it to the database? Let's see..."
        # Do some fishing for nodes...
        with db.transaction:
                        node = get_one( url )
                        print '\tget one:' + str( node ) , "... oh yes!"
                        print "\tid:", , "url:", node['url'], "data-length:", node['data_len']
                        #This should fail
                        #print "This SHOULD fail.."
                        #node = get_one( '' )
                        #print 'get one:' + str( node ) 
                        #print "id:", , "url:", node['url'], "data length:", node['data_len']
                except Exception, err:
                        print "Probably not a node with that URL"
                        print err        
        db.shutdown( )
        db, pages = setup( ) 
        #########  TRY TO ITERATE ALL PAGES FETCHED ################
        list_all_pages( db )
        #########    TRY TO DELETE ONE ################
        #delete_one( url ) 
        # Now let's see if it has gone
        #list_all_pages( ) #or maybe later
        ######### LET'S LOOK FOR RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN PAGES ################
        print "Doing linking pages..."
        find_links_between_pages( ) #goes to every page, looking for other pages
        print "shutting down, saving all the changes, etc"


  1. You have to delete the index entry yourself when you delete a node. See

  2. If all you want is something where you can change the data on the fly, than any of the NoSQL databases are going to do this fine (e.g. a simple key-value store like BigTable) (or even a de-normalised mysql with everything a string :) ), but that's not really what you are trying to do (as you know). The real gain here is from neo4j being a graphdb and what you want to model also being a graph.

  3. and remind me to show you some twisted based crawler code when you are ready to get lots of data in

  4. I wish the examples were in python too.. I'm a bit lost in Java-world.

    Thanks for the twisted offer, I attempted twisted and couldn't get it working. I imagine it will be all lovely and threaded (a lot quicker) but with a database that can only be open at one time, I also imagine the threading might break neo4j ?¿ dunno...

  5. Neo4j itself shouldn't have issues with threading, so that would come down to how Jython/CPython behaves (of which I have no knowledge).

    Note however that transactions are thread confined and uncommitted modifications will only be visible inside the same transactional context.

  6. Thanks Anders... maybe I should give threaded crawling a whirl...
